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Care Bag Drive 2022

Friday, May 27th 6-9am Modern Methods Brewing Company - Warren, OH

Come and see us at Modern Methods Brewing Company, on Friday, 5/27 from 6-9pm. We are collecting donation items that will be placed in our cancer care bags and those bags will be given to patients who can use a little extra comfort while receiving treatment. Since you will already be there, hang around and listen to live music by French Blue, have a special pint of Brew4Reason from Modern Methods, and get a delicious bite from from Babcia's food truck!

A big thanks goes out to Modern Methods for hosting this event!! For your donation, we will give you a free entry into our raffle. Yes there will also be a raffle! Items we need for for the care bags include: soft blankets, headphones, travel hand sanitizer and lotion, scarves, cooling towels, water bottles, ginger or hard candy, adult coloring books, coloring pencils, travel tissues, and restaurant gift cards. Thanks for being awesome, we know you are, and we will see you there!!!

100% Volunteer All officers, board members, volunteers, family, friends and anyone affiliated with Rock4Reason take absolutely ZERO dollars from donations (we all have day jobs😊). No matter the role, we are 100% volunteer and our volunteers rock! Every dollar raised goes directly to families in the Mahoning Valley.


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